About Us

Our Board of Directors:

James A. JohnsonInsurer (Underwriter) Representative & Chair
Roland LoveAgent Representative & Vice Chair
Rick AlbersPublic Representative & Secretary-Treasurer
Chris WillistonPublic Representative
John MartinAgent Representative
Patricia BonnerInsurer (Underwriter) Representative
Tim McDonaldUnderwriter Representative

Information on the Board of Directors:

The representation on the Board of Directors is set by law as:

            Public Members – 4

            Insurer (Underwriter) Members – 3

            Title Agent Members – 2

The Board of Directors currently have two (2) public member vacancies.

General Counsel:

Burnie Burner with Mitchell Williams Selig Gates & Woodyard, PLLC

Paralegals for the General Counsel & Counsel:

Kheva Flowers with Mitchell Williams Selig Gates & Woodyard, PLLC

Jo Ann Mungia with Mitchell Williams Selig Gates & Woodyard, PLLC

Velia Sanchez with Mitchell Williams Selig Gates & Woodyard, PLLC